Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Remember that lonely summer

when you seared your skin

trying to pick up that frozen

piece of pepperoni on the hot

coil? You ate that pepperoni

and now it’s a part of you. The

burn also became a part of you

and left a lasting impression

on your wrist. A scar.

Remember when she called almost

every day. Remember how she asked

you to take her to her prom and you

took her doing your best to keep

your hips to the beat.

Remember the day when she was

packing up, leaving for college

and all you could do was hug her

and say goodbye.

Remember the disappointed look on

her face when you wished her good

luck at college and left her standing

in her driveway. That summer

ended when she and her

boyfriend posted pictures of

their good times online.

All you got from that summer

was a lasting impression, a scar.

Friday, May 23, 2008

going green

Thanks Al Gore for opening up my eyes.
I knew too much of anything was bad, but
carbon dioxide really takes the cake.

Global warming is all the buzz and if
everything happens according to plan
we won't have much of a planet left.

It's a good thing we have 8 other planets
or else, man, we'd be screwed. Oh wait,
those planets aren't habitable.

I wonder what the other countries
are doing to stop global warming.
I've got a few bright American ideas of my own.

I guess we all gotta go green.
Stop cutting down trees, stop using
gasoline, and stop making babies.

I just hope it isn't too late or else
we'd just have to stop breathing.
It's time to give back to the planet

that's been so giving. But then again
this could be the beginning of the end
and who knows when Jesus is coming back.

Maybe we'll all start over again. Live in caves
like way back when, and hunt for our food,
the only difference is that we'd leave better

cave drawings. Or we could all build a giant boat,
put all the animals in and God will make it rain for a
while, and when we come out the other side

everything will be better than before. Or
we can just do what the rest of the world
is doing and start consuming a little less.


"it's the same thing every week."
"yea i hear you." i said as i just walked out of an intense prayer and worship time. i cried, i prayed, i walked out to go to the bathroom to find my old church friends waiting around. i said hi and asked how they were doing. "fine," they said. the question to the first line went something like this, "so, do you go out to the fellowship at your colleges?" "no." and the first line was the reasoning. after all that praying and crying i went through. i sobered real quickly. was it the same every week? what i felt in worship was real. i guess they meant that it was just the same thing. Jesus. Jesus this and Jesus that. we grew up in the same church. maybe they had enough or they got the point.
"uh oh we got another crier." as a girl walked out of worship to go to the bathroom. i knew her and i knew that Jesus was working in her. i couldn't help but sit there and take in the cynicism.
"i never cry. i tried to cry in worship and stuff, but i couldn't."
"some people cry and some don't," was the best reply i could come up with.
was Jesus something or someone that we could get sick of. had people had enough of Him. i heard a message this past week which the main point of it was to invite Jesus in everything we did. i know i don't do that. maybe that's a big thing that we're not doing. what do i have to lose. Jesus, i cordially invite You to my life.