Saturday, January 5, 2008

i've been sick for the past few days. i hate being sick. i hate that tickling feeling in the back of your throat when you breathe in the cold air around you realizing that maybe you should've slept with your clothes on that night. the worst feeling is when you try to deny that you're sick and tell yourself that maybe you caught one of those 24 hour colds that'll go away as easy as you caught it. it's rare though. my head is congested. all i taste is mucus going down my throat. i'm more tired than usual and all i want is to feel better. still hasn't happened yet. i wonder why i get sick sometimes. sometimes i think it's punishment for a sin i committed. sometimes i think it's because i slept in my underwear with only a blanket to cover me from the frosty air that encompasses my room. i've been wondering a lot about whether things happen for a reason or if it's all just coincidence and consequence. then i wonder maybe my sin has effected me in a way that i felt i had to sleep in my underwear to catch this cold. maybe it's subconscious self-punishment. maybe it's God.

when you're sick you don't feel like doing anything except eat of course. i've been meaning to work out, but due to my condition i feel dizzy from the blood rushing to my head when i'm doing handstand pushups. i could suck it up and do some pushups, but why punish myself further? i'm already sick. i bum around my house looking for something to do. after finishing The Lovely Bones i'm looking for more to read. my return to literature is exciting, but reading such an achievement as The Lovely Bones for my first book back wasn't as good an idea as i thought. my passion to read is there, but i'm afraid as i read more and more books i might be disapointed as each book will fail to rise up to what The Lovely Bones was. i want to read The Godfather next.

i'm on the computer a lot these days. scratch that. i'm on the computer a lot. i always sign onto instant messenger and look to see if anyone cares enough to say hi. i end up signing off an hour after i realize that no one does. this day i get imed by Cody. Cody is a girl that i go to school with. we went to the same high school and attend the same university as it happens. in high school me and my friends used to make fun of her outer appearance and mannerisms which happened to lremind people of a penguin. she used to tell us to shut up with a giggle and glitter in her eye that said she didn't really care if she did look like a penguin. a penguin doll in her car seemed to prove her pleasant indifference. it seems that after joining the corps in college has changed her and now instead of laughing along she gives us the finger or doesn't laugh at all. i guess she started caring. i don't see the penguin in her car anymore. she tells me that she wants to eat pho. pho is a vietnamese food, noodles in some kind of msg infused broth served with your choice of meat. i'm not that big a fan of pho, but due to my condition i welcome the hot, flavorful broth this day. she picks me up and we're on our way to the pho house. i order pho tai which is served with raw meat that is cooked in the broth as it is being served and eaten. Cody gets the same thing. we eat and we don't say much. the rare times we do open our mouths is to slurp in the steaming noodles or drink the broth. the times we open our mouths to talk is to talk about parenting. we see a kid eating pho while listening to his ipod at the same time, i wouldn't have a problem with it, but his dad is right across him eating too. i don't know about other families, but in mine my dad would rip the earphones out of my ears and make me listen to him talk instead of whatever rock anthem i was listening to.
"Man, my dad would slap me if i was listening to music while eating," i say.
"Yea, it's just disrespectful. That's the thing with kids these days, they don't listen to their parents." Cody says.
"What do you mean?" i ask.
"Like, they don't listen to their parents at all."
"What. Like... give me an example."
"Well, i'm not going to tell you their name and say they did this and that."
"No, i mean like a general example like of people you've seen or something."
"Well, they don't listen. Like they don't care. They ignore their parents."
"I see. Man i would beat down my kid if he did that. Well if i had kids i'd have to rule with an iron fist, you know?"
she laughs.
"I would instill fear into them. My dad used to lecture me and took me and my sister into a room to lecture us. He'd drag my sister into the room and she'd start crying before she got into it. If i cried, he'd remind me i was a man."
she laughs.
"Yea, my parents stopped with the spanking early on, but man one day my brother and his friends got caught skipping school and going to the mall. Well, they skipped school and they got caught stealing clothes at the mall. My dad got all of them on their knees and just beat the crap out of them. I wish i'd seen it." she says with a cynicism in her eyes.
i drink the rest of my water which is trapped between the ices and the lemon in the glass. i tip the glass almost vertically as the ice crashes down my face.

we pay our check and leave to get some bubbletea. bubbletea is a frozen or liquid drink that is served with tapioca balls at the bottom ("bubbles") that you slurp up through a huge straw. it comes in a variety of flavors. green tea, black tea, mango, strawberry, coconut vanilla. i liked the sound of the last one. a tropical flavor mixed with a traditional vanilla appealed to my senses. i'm told that they don't have that flavor. i get green tea bubbletea by default. i'm not disapointed. i call wes to see if he wants bubbletea. i ask out of politeness. taking advantage wes says he would like a bubbletea. i ask him what kind he wants. he trusts me to choose for him. i decide on a red bean bubbletea. knowing wes i know he likes things out of the ordinary. i would even go far enough to call him an anti-bandwagoner. while i listened to fall out boy and thrice he listened to the pietasters and dispatch. the difference between punk rock and ska or the difference between boring music and good music as he'd say. one time he called me boring for ordering a pho tai while he ordered pho with-every-meat-that-you-have-in-it. cody calls winnie to see if she wants to join us for bubbletea. winnie is a smart girl who used to believe in God. i'm not sure what happened to make her disbelieve. maybe she decided that smoking and partying was something that God didn't agree with while she did. winnie shows up as i'm finishing up my bubbletea. she gets a vanilla frozen yogurt. she takes small bites to ease in the cold. i slurp away at my frozen mix realizing that i drank down all the bubbles.

winnie and cody converse about their drunken escapades. i don't drink or party so i listen with curiosity trying to join in the conversation with a few comments to get some laughs. everytime i try to say something i'm cut off and ignored as winnie and cody converse back and forth.
"Dude, i passed out." winnie says.
"Haha, i stayed up the whole night." cody says.
"Oh my gosh. what did you do?" winnie asks.
"What did i do? i played beer pong, then i went out for a smoke a few times, and watched people sing. that's it."
"No. that sounds fishy. i mean you couldn't have done just that and stayed up the whole night. did you like just stare at a wall for 3 hours?"
"Haha. that does sound fishy." i say trying to contribute to the conversation.
they continue on with their conversation until we realize that it's almost 5 and that wes's break ended at 5. that and the way the bubbletea was melting and was on the verge of overflowing. the bubbles were probably frozen. we left to get to the ruby tuesday's before it was too late.

i sit in the back while cody and winnie continue their conversation in the front.
"Dude when i woke up i was looking for you for like 15 minutes and you were right in front of me." winnie laughs.
"Oh yea." cody laughs along.
They keep talking and laughing while i drown out the noise losing myself in my thoughts. i realize that as much as i try i won't contribute to the conversation or even relate to their lives. as much as i love my friends and enjoy spending time with them i will be shut out. not because they hate me or because they want to make me feel bad. we're different. they enjoy laughing about how much they drank and how much they don't remember about a certain night. i find myself laughing along with them as well. why? i don't agree with partying. i find it a bit silly and a waste of time. i don't mean to judge, but unintentionally i find myself doing the exact opposite. why do they find drinking until you pass out fun? why don't i? why don't i drink? is it really because i find it a waste of time? everyone else does it and finds it a great way to spend their weekend. is it because i'm a Christian? i've got my own problems and my own sins that i wish i didn't have and i guess i don't want to add drinking to the list? i find that i am a stranger to these friends in ways that i haven't thought of before. i am just realizing that the sin that i've been stuck for the past 7 years is truly and utterly dispicable. i hope i realize how sinful sin really is. and i hope that's it's not too late. for me or for them.

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